Cobra Kai Season 6 Anchor Page

Cobra Kai season 6 is finally here. Keep your eyes peeled to this page for all of my season 6 content. As I create more content, I will add it to this page. If you want to see older seasons content, go here

Season 6 description:

After Daniel’s defeat of Terry Silver, all seems right in the world. With Kreese off the map and Silver in prison, the combined dojos of Cobra Kai, Eagle Fang, and Miyagi-Do continue their efforts to form an alliance and prepare for the Sekai Takai. But with new alliances comes growing pains. Johnny and Daniel struggle to continue to set aside ego for the greater cause of being a united dojo.

Meanwhile, the seniors turn their eyes towards college and figuring out where they will land after high school. Some reach for big dreams, while others have to be realistic about their prospects. 

Meanwhile, a storm is brewing that no one sees coming. Kreese arrives in Korea to reunite with Kim Da-Un and sets out to convince her to take the place Cobra Kai earned in the Sekai Taikai. He isn’t ready to give up on his plans for Cobra Kai achieving world domination. Kreese battles his inner demons and also has to awake the snake in the students learning under Kim Da-Un.

Back in LA, Daniel discovers a secret about Mr. Miyagi. Johnny thinks more about his future with Carmen. And an announcement from the Sekai Taikai directors throws everyone’s plans into a flux, inciting old rivalries that everyone thought were over.

The Mythology of the Miyagiverse

Want to think deeply about what's happened so far in the series? A closer look at the timeline of events elucidates a mythology that leads to inevitable conclusions for our characters. Find the article here.

The New Characters of Season 6

What characters will show up in Cobra Kai season 6, according to at least one internet source? With only a few weeks to go before part one of season six launches on July 18th, 2024, let’s take a look at what new and newish cast and characters will grace the screen of Cobra Kai season 6 . . . according to IMDB or another reliable internet source. As the cast list gets updated, so will the list

The Easter Eggs that Show Up in Cobra Kai season 6

While you wait, digest upon these canonical scenes that will pay off in big and small ways in season 6.

Recaps: Coming soon! 

Episode 1 Recap, (Link will work on July 18th)
Episode 2 Recap (Coming soon)
Episode 3 Recap (Coming soon)
Episode 4 Recap (Coming soon)
Episode 5 Recap (Link will work on July 18th)
