100 Years of Solitude Episode 4 Recap: The Chestnut Tree on January 30, 2025 international films magical realism Netflix TV show review +
My Podcast Role Call: Movies and Controversial Topics for Feather Ruffling Christians on July 28, 2020 Christian movies podcasts +
Dave Franco's The Rental Starts Strong But Fizzles By the End on July 23, 2020 IFC Films movie review thrillers and suspense +
Andrew Patterson's The Vast of Night and the OTP of Fay and Everett on July 18, 2020 indie films movie review mysteries science fiction +
Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion's Becky Movie Review on July 16, 2020 Elements of Madness horror movie review thrillers and suspense +
Andrew J.D. Robinson's We Are the Missing (2020): A Puzzle Box Mockumentary with Flawed Pieces on July 05, 2020 mockumentary movie review +
Gaspar Antillo's Nobody Knows I'm Here (2020) Depicts Need to be Known with Glitter and Grace on July 03, 2020 drama foreign films music +