100 Years of Solitude Episode 4 Recap: The Chestnut Tree

Two men shake hands while two women stand by
Claudio Catano as COLONEL AURELIANO, Marleyda Soto as URSULA, Jacqueline Arsenal as LEONOR MOSCOTE, Jairo Camargo as APOLINAR MOSCOTE in 100 YEARS OF SOLITUDE

Our coverage of the Colombian Netflix series, 100 Years of Solitude continues, adapted from the renowned magical realism novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Episode 4 is called The Chestnut Tree. A new magistrate arrives, threatening everything that Jose Arcadio Buendia has built in Macondo. Aureliano finds the love of his life, and an unexpected death throws Jose Arcadio Buendia into madness. We also discuss color theory in the show and why Melquiades asks the Buendias to burn mercury for three days. 

Steve Barnes is guitarist for stoner metal band Introvoid, and also plays guitar for the cover band Rebecca Crow. All of Steve's stuff can be found at Sweetchildoftime.com.

Lindsey Dunn is a film critic with membership in both NC Film Critics and Southeastern Film Critics. She loves all things Cobra Kai, Netflix Dark, indie horror, and any stories about complicated relationships. You can find her at 1ofmystories.com and most social channels @1ofmystories.
