Music Movie Series: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)

Men dressed as priests all talk on a crow's nest
The Pharisees plot to dispose of Jesus quietly

 What's the buzz? I am joined by Steve Barnes (my Dark co-host) and Nate Dunn (frequent guest on 1 of my Stories) to talk about the 1973 rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. This is the first in our music movie series, where we will each pick a movie for the others to watch.

Jesus Christ Superstar is an important movie for Steve. It was formative for him as a young man exploring his own faith in God. Nate is the sweet child who has never seen it until now. I have my own relationship with this movie. Together, we unparse the history and why it was made, our likes, dislikes, and wishes for a dream cast. There's also a lyric quiz. Jesus is cool.

Children crowd around Jesus
The crowd cheers Jesus with palm branches
