Book Review: Adam by Ted Dekker

Ted Dekker is one of the freshest voices in Christian fiction today. His works could be characterized as psychological fiction with pulse-pounding action as well. The Circle Trilogy is one of the best series I have ever read. What I like best? Besides, the lack of foul language or sex, you can't really tell it's Christian fiction until the end. His works have just as much tension as any author today. He has taken on such topics as beauty, abuse, psychopathic killers, guilt, and good and evil. Most of the time his main characters are not Christian. Usually, they have mixed feelings about the church and are trying to escape painful pasts.

His latest work of fiction plays more like The Exorcist than anything else. Daniel Clark is obsessed with finding out the identity of the serial killer known only as Eve. He has given up everything for this quest, including his marriage to devoted Heather. When Eve's latest killing gets delayed, he shoots Daniel to reclaim the almost-dead body of his intended victim. Miraculously, Daniel is brought back to life by his new work partner.

The good thing is Daniel has now seen the face of Eve. The bad thing is that he has having night terrors and can't remember what the face looked like. Daniel tries drug-induced trips to make himself remember. But the only result is the nightmares are getting worse. Now, Eve is after the one person Daniel cares about.

The story is interspersed with newspaper articles about the story of how Eve becomes the killer he is. You won't find out all the facts until the very last page. This started out somewhat slow but it picked up. Towards the end of the book, the action escalates quickly, and I must admit skipping ahead because I couldn't wait any longer.

Readers be warned: There are some scary images in this book. One could easily get their own nightmares from it. If you have never really thought about the realities of demon possession, you could be in for a shock. But, that's Dekker's MO.


Dr. Deb said…
Sounds like a must read!